Read me for help.

Aim of the Game

You have been selected to manage the production of a cheap and effective power grid, with the buildings provided for a minimal fee.

The Items at your disposial are:

  • Generators-

    They are the producers of energy and the beginning to your empire. They provide unlimmited power for increasing costs.
  • Nodes-

    These fun contraptions enable you to distribute your energy, as required to the requesing, connected houses
  • Wires-

    This does as expected. They allow power to transfer between the two buidings
  • Switches-

    They Have two states Off and On. They are set to a defalt off setting. If you wish to change their settings, click on the switch with no building selected in the pannel left to the map and click on one of that switch.

    Clicking on on of these pannels will result in on of these outcomes where if for example "On Time" is 10min, "Off Time" is 2min, and "Delay Time" is 1m.The cycle begins; Then it will be off for 1min; Then it on for 10min; Then off for 1min; then start cycle again.

    Named Resulted Preview Colour Edits
    Delay Time Yellow You can now edit the Delay Time
    On Time Green You can now edit the On Time
    Off Time Red You can now edit the Off Time

    You edit the states by clicking on the gradiant rectangle, the resulting change will be displayed in the "Preview" box

  • Batteries-

    They store and release power. The default power storage rate is at 10U/min. This can be changed by selecting the Battery.

    You edit the states by clicking on the gradiant rectangle, the resulting change will be displayed in the "Preview" box

  • Houses-

    They are your customers. They will provide fluctuating payment over each day.
  • Roads-

    They provide you with a method of mapping out your cities. Note they cannot be destroyed

General Information

  • Click on a building as seen left of the board, to select that type of item for placing and additional information.
  • Click on a built buidling to gain more informaition and edit properties of each specific building. To deselect, either click away from the info screen or click on another building.
  • To deconstruct a building either click the trash simble or press backspace on the keyboard when that spectific building is selected
  • A selected Battery or switch has a bar that is a gradiance of red to green. This will allow for editing their properties
  • When selected a battery or switch their is a box marked preview on the lower left segment of the display box. This will display the changed values.
  • When selected a switch the lower right two icons change between Days, Hours and Minutes, being selected.
  • When selected a switch, to change comand types, press on the box with the deired comand type eg delay time, on time, or off time.

Generators - Info

Function: Produces power
Maxum number of connections: Infinity

States - Condition:

  • Active - On power load
  • Inactive - Without power draw

Costs when | Provides when:

  • When Buying
    • $
  • Active
    • Money | Power
  • Inactive
    • None | None

Node - Info

Function: Distributes power
Maxum number of connections: Infinity

States - Condition:

  • Active - When power flows through it
  • Inactive - Without power flowing through it

Costs when | Provides when:

  • When Buying
    • $
  • Active
    • Power | Dispersed Power
  • Inactive
    • None | None

Home - Info

Function: Buys power
Maxum number of connections: 1

States - Condition:

  • Active - When given desired power
  • Inactive - When not given desired power

Costs when | Provides when:

  • When Buying
    • $
  • Active
    • Power | Income
  • Inactive
    • Power or None | None

Wire - Info

Function: Connects two buildings together

To use the wire, click on one building, indicated by a red circle being formed bellow it. Then click another building with a wire. A successful conection should make a line between the to buildings. Note, deselecting the wire button will remove the iniashial connection.

States - Condition:

  • Connected - When linking two buildings

Costs when | Provides when:

  • When Buying
    • Dependent on length of wire
  • Connected
    • None | Allows powerflow between two buildings

Switch - Info

Function: Makes temperary brakes in the power grid at given times
Maxum number of connections: 2

States - Condition:

  • On - The Time is within the on period
  • Off - The time is within the off period

Costs when | Provides when:

  • When Buying
    • $
  • On
    • Power | Power flow
  • Off
    • Power | None

Battery - Info

Function: Stores and releases energy
Maxum number of connections: 2

States - Condition:

  • Collecting - when connected to a Generator and not a Home
  • Release - When connected to a Home
  • Boost - When connected to both a Home and Generator

Costs when | Provides when:

  • When Buying
    • $
  • Collecting
    • Power | Energy Stored
  • Release
    • Energy Stored | Power
  • Boost
    • Power | Power and Energy Stored

Road - Info

Function: Only lays only in a single tile, can be used for improving layout of cities. This is free but cannot be deleted.

Generators - Sugetions

Make Money
Connect Generators to Homes to make money
Connect a Battery
When connecting Generators to a Battery, always connect using a switch between them. This will allow to control the state of the battery
Generators and control
Generators do not have any inherant control. They are active when on load, and inactive when no longer on load

Node - Sugetions

Home - Sugetions

Wire - Sugetions

Switch - Sugetions

Battery - Sugetions

Road - Sugetions

Generators - HDImages

Node - HDImages

Home - HDImages

Wire - HDImages

Switch - HDImages

Battery - HDImages

Road - HDImages
